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A house cleaning must−the microfiber dusting cloth

A house cleaning must−the microfiber dusting cloth

In Total Cleaning Plus last article, the feather duster has been replaced with more effective modern technology in the house cleaning industry. One of the tools to take its place is the microfiber dusting cloth/towel.  Simply put, if you are looking to get the job of dusting done right, then microfiber is the way to go. 

I’m sure you must be thinking “what makes microfiber so great?” According to Stacie H. Rosenzweig at www.cleanlink.com, “microfiber is considered superior to standard fibers for many cleaning applications because it has more surface area and the smaller fibers can get into cracks and crevices too small for other materials.  Also, the split fibers add cleaning power.” 

Also in the article, she interviewed Tom Peglowski, the marketing communications manager at Norton Abrasives. He said “The spaces between the splits collect dirt and dust rather than just pushing it around.  The microfiber cloths can then be rinsed or washed to remove the embedded particles and reused hundreds of times.”

The value of microfiber is clear from these statements..  You can use these cloths when dusting to trap the dust particles in the cloth itself, therefore not allowing them to be released back into the air. By trapping the dust particles, you won’t end up having to re-dust areas that you’ve already done. While it might take a bit longer to get your dusting done the first time, you’ll save time in the long run by not having to go back to redo it. 

If you are looking for a great way to maintain the dust levels in your home from week to week, a microfiber dusting towel is your best bet. Not only is it effective, but you’ll be able to use it over and over again!    

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