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Insurance, Does Your House Cleaning Company Or Individual Have It?

Insurance, Does Your House Cleaning Company Or Individual Have It?

When trying to decide on who you want to handle your Northampton house cleaning needs, most people think it is a simple decision.  There are a several factors that people base their decision on.  The two major factors are price and quality.  While those are two important factors, the most important one is often overlooked.  The question you need to be asking anyone providing any kind of service in your home is, do you carry insurance?

Why do they need insurance, nothing is going to go wrong right?  The list of things that can go wrong by mere accident alone is a very long list.  What are some of the most common accidents that can happen?  People slip and fall, lose control of items and accidentally break or damage things.  unfortunately the thinking is it won’t happen to me, so why pay more for a company?  This is why they call them accidents.  They happen all the time.  It is better to be safe then sorry and know you and your possessions are protected in case of an accident.

What happens when you hire a private individual who is just doing some house cleaning on the side?  What happens when something is broken and you need to confront them about a broken item and you tell them it will cost them $1000 to replace it?  If they don’t have the right insurance or worse yet none at all, then the likelihood you’ll see the money or the item replaced is slim to none.  Most people doing something on the side don’t have an extra $1000 sitting around.  This is where insurance comes in.  You file a claim and are able to get the item that is lost, replaced.  Sure it is a bit of a process, but at least at the end of it, you have what has been lost.

What happens when it is snowy and icy in your driveway and someone slips and falls and now can’t work because they are injured?  Will they come after you for lost wages or more?  With insurance you don’t have these worries.  As an employee of a house cleaning company, they would qualify for workman’s comp insurance. 

When hiring a house cleaning company, always ask to see a copy of their certificate of insurance.  This will let you know that they are not just saying they are insured and bonded.  It has happened where private individuals or even companies will say they have all the insurances they should have and when it comes time to need it, they either have it, but its not good enough insurance that will cover the issue or worse yet, they don’t even actually have it at all. 

Hiring a private individual or a company that is not insured properly could cost you thousands, if not worse.  Spending a little more money for a house cleaning company who is properly insured might seem unnecssary at first, but all it takes is once!  When it comes time to hire a house cleaning company always  make sure they have the insurance that protects you!


 Photo Credit: Flickr: wickenden 

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